The registered Association

Even though unbureaucratic, low-threshold teamwork is important to us, we can’t do without fixed structures.

We have organized ourselves as a registered association in order to bundle our means and to be optimally positioned for the festival work. Perlen - Verein zur Förderung der queeren Filmkultur in Hannover e.V. is registered in the register of associations at Hanover District Court (VR 201903).

But one thing is also clear: without the support of the community, we wouldn’t be able to bring exciting and relevant queer cinema to the big screen year after year. 

We need your help to continue enriching Hanover's cultural life in the future and to use our resources to ensure queer visibility and social acceptance.

If you would like to contribute to the success of the festival and support PERLEN financially beyond attending the cinema, you are cordially invited to join the association as a supporting member!

With your membership fees we can, for example, pay for advertising measures for the festival to make the PERLEN even better known, set up our information tent at the CSD street festival, sponsor raffle prizes and much more!

The association's statutes can be found here in German:

Download association statutes

Would you like to support queer film culture?

The membership application form can be downloaded here in German:

Application form for supporting membership
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